Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation is accompanied by five supplementary web appendices.
Web appendix 1 gives additional tables, figures, and panels, including a series of tables showing numbers of deaths from selected causes in the years 2000 and 2011 grouped by age and country income level.
Web appendix 2 lays out the evidence on the association between health and income. This appendix summarizes economic studies examining the links between health and income at the microeconomic level and macroeconomic research that uses country-level growth measures.
Web appendix 3 briefly reviews methods used by economists to estimate the value of small changes in mortality rates. These methods inform the Lancet report's discussions of valuing the returns to investing in health using "full income" approaches.
Web appendix 4 gives a detailed account of the methods used to estimate the impacts and costs of achieving a grand convergence in global health. These methods combine a set of country-specific analyses for a range of health conditions with global estimates for a number of different health investments. The results of the modeling show the likely impacts and costs of aggressively scaling up existing and new health tools (an "enhanced investment scenario with R&D").
Web appendix 5 is a spreadsheet that shows the impacts of the "enhanced investment scenario with R&D" across 34 low-income countries and 3 lower-middle income countries.